Produkte und Fragen zum Begriff Weartstudio:
Zawsze bez ryzyka poprzez całkowitą deinstalację! Z Ashampoo UnInstaller 9 możesz instalować, testować i odinstalowywać programy bez obaw. Jednocześnie zawsze masz pełną kontrolę nad tym, co może pozostać na Twoim komputerze! Program kompleksowo monitoruje każdą instalację tak, aby można ją było łatwo i bez pozostawiania jakichkolwiek pozostałości usunąć. Nawet programy bez wyrębu są usuwane przez głębokie czyszczenie bez pozostałości! UnInstaller 9 zmiata niepotrzebne oprogramowanie, rozszerzenia przeglądarki i paski narzędzi całkowicie z dysku twardego za pomocą jednego kliknięcia myszką! A dzięki innowacyjnej technologii migawkowej możesz zobaczyć każdą zmianę, jaka zaszła w Twoim komputerze - błyskawicznie i przejrzyście ułożoną. Odinstalować programy bez pozostawiania śladów Windows usuwa tylko to, na co pozwalają same zainstalowane programy - a to nie wystarczy! Często liczne wpisy w rejestrze, błędne alokacje lub pliki pozostające w systemie pozostają na dysku twardym. Resztki często powodują błędy, plątaninę dysku twardego i spowalniają cały komputer. Dzięki zaawansowanym mechanizmom wyszukiwania i czyszczenia, program znajduje znacznie więcej niż tylko Windows. Ashampoo UnInstaller 9 całkowicie usuwa niechciane oprogramowanie aż do ostatniego bajtu! Odinstaluj oprogramowanie jak zawodowiec! Nawet jako nowicjusz nie będziesz miał problemu z rozpoczęciem pracy z Ashampoo UnInstaller 9. Dzięki nowo zaprojektowanemu interfejsowi użytkownika wszystkie funkcje są dostępne za pomocą jednego kliknięcia myszką, a nawet skomplikowane technicznie procesy są zrozumiałe. Odinstaluj dowolny program wygodnie i nie pozostawiając niczego za sobą. Niech instalacje automatyczne je wykryją i zarejestrują. Uzyskaj ciekawy wgląd w to, co dzieje się na Twoim komputerze i wygodnie usuń to, co nie należy do niego. UnInstaller dla początkujących i profesjonalistów! Bezlitosne wobec niechcianych programów Ashampoo UnInstaller 9 usuwa programy, które stały się zbędne, nie spełniają wymagań - ale oczywiście również niechciane programy, które zostały ukryte przed Tobą! Zwłaszcza instalatorzy z witryn pobierania często stosują programy typu "piggyback", które nie są pożądane i są częściowo klasyfikowane jako spyware i malware. Ashampoo UnInstaller 9 wykrywa te programy nawet jeśli są one ukryte w skomplikowanych instalatorach i w razie potrzeby usuwa je z dysku twardego! Porównywanie migawek - o co chodzi? Wyobraź sobie, że Ashampoo UnInstaller 9 byłby administratorem dla Twojego komputera. Z każdym zdjęciem program tworzy kompletną inwentaryzację Twojego systemu. Lista ta zawiera wszystkie dane, a także ustawienia rejestru w systemie Windows. Jeśli pliki są dodawane (np. przez instalację), można utworzyć kolejną listę inwentaryzacyjną. Podczas porównywania znajdują się wszystkie różnice, każdy nowy lub usunięty plik, każdy zmieniony wpis w rejestrze. W UnInstaller 9 znajdziesz teraz zupełnie nowy snapshot kreator, który sprawia, że tworzenie i porównywanie jest bardzo łatwe! Cztery metody kasowania w celu całkowitej deinstalacji Ashampoo UnInstaller 9 wykorzystuje cztery techniki na raz, aby zapewnić, że żaden niepożądany bajt nie pozostanie w Twoim systemie. Najbardziej kompleksowy jest protokół, który UnInstaller 9 tworzy podczas instalacji każdego programu. Zawiera on listę wszystkich plików i wartości rejestrów, które powoduje dana instalacja. Ponadto program wykorzystuje procedurę dezinstalacji oprogramowania, które ma zostać usunięte. Jeśli istnieje profil dla oprogramowania, jest on również przetwarzany. Wreszcie, głębokie czyszczenie szuka ostatnich pozostałości, które mogą jeszcze znajdować się na dysku twardym! Z nową wersją, nawet po restarcie, będzie sprawdzać ostatnie szczątki! Usuń oprogramowanie z głębokim czyszczeniem Ashampoo UnInstaller 9 całkowicie rejestruje instalację każdego programu i w ten sposób gwarantuje dezinstalację bez pozostałości. Nawet programy, które są w inny sposób ukryte przed Tobą, są bezpiecznie rejestrowane. Ale nawet w przypadku programów, które nie są rejestrowane, inteligentny algorytm kasowania zapewnia skuteczną deinstalację. Dzięki głębokiemu czyszczeniu, niepotrzebne wpisy i pliki usuniętego oprogramowania, które w przeciwnym razie pozostałyby w systemie, są usuwane z dysku twardego. Twój strażnik, który monitoruje wszystkie instalacje Ashampoo UnInstaller 9's Guard zawsze ma oko na twój system i używa prawie żadnych wymiernych zasobów. Nawet jeśli usuniesz program za pomocą zwykłego programu odinstalowującego Windows, automatycznie wyszuka on kolejne pliki pozostające w systemie. Często nawet początek i koniec instalacji jest wykrywany automatycznie, dzięki czemu nie ma potrzeby samodzielnej interwencji! Z nową wersją, uczyniliśmy Straż jeszcze trudniejszą. Cokolwiek robi twój system, Strażnik ma wszystko na widoku! Niszczenie danych wrażliwych Wiele plików usuwanych podczas deinstalacji zawiera dane wrażliwe. To także ...
Preis: 7.19 £ | Versand*: 0.00 £ -
Cut out difficult image motifs perfectly, mount them precisely and remove disturbing objects with a simple click of the mouse. No problem for CutOut 9. Three individual cropping methods for different motifs New: Magnet tool Precise cutting with curve adjustment Improve brightness Adjustable edge optimization Only for Windows The professional cropping tool that anyone can use! With Franzis CutOut 9 you can easily replace disturbing backgrounds and create a completely changed picture. Disturbing picture elements such as cars or passers-by can be removed without leaving any residue with the intelligent eraser. Thanks to the latest clipping algorithm, you can achieve even better results and also benefit from image enlargement. There are no more unsightly cut-off edges. Order Franzis CutOut 9 now at FORMBLITZ and enjoy your photos even more! + Three individual cropping methods + New: Magnetic tool + Adjustable edge optimization Highlights: NEW: AI-like algorithm NEW: Edge optimization NEW : Magnet tool NEW : Improve brightness NEW : Exterior Selection Tool Inner/Outer Border Matting Save as PNG with transparency System Requirements Operating system : Windows® 10/8.1/8/7/Vista Hardware : Intel® Pentium® or AMD® Athlon® 1.2 GHz or higher, min. 200 MB free hard disk space, 4 GB RAM, SVGA graphics card with min. 1,024 x 768 pixels resolution, 24-bit color depth
Preis: 46.94 £ | Versand*: 0.00 £ -
Buy Ashampoo Office 9: Creative, Compatible, Cost-Effective If you are looking for an affordable yet powerful office suite that is seamlessly compatible with the latest Microsoft formats, Ashampoo Office 9 is the ideal choice. This office solution allows you to create documents, spreadsheets and presentations with ease, without sacrificing convenience and functionality. Unlike other alternatives, Ashampoo Office 9 doesn't store your files in a remote cloud, but locally on your computer, so you stay in control of your data. Here are some reasons why Ashampoo Office 9 is the optimal solution for your office needs: Ideal for households: One license for up to 5 PCs Ashampoo Office offers the perfect solution for home users: With just one license, you can equip up to five PCs in your household. Enjoy the benefits of a comprehensive office suite on multiple devices with your family. Please note: A separate license is required for each installation for business purposes. The benefits at a glance: More compact PDF files: Reduce the size of your PDFs by reducing the resolution. Automatic correction : Correct common typos in different languages automatically. Simple list view : Use the clear list view in the "New document" dialog box. Versatile formatting: Add various formatting when pasting from the clipboard. Graphics in WEBP format : Easily insert graphics in modern WEBP format. Excellent word processing: Write Write , Ashampoo Office 9's word processor, offers a wealth of new features that go far beyond conventional word processors. Compare two documents with synchronized scrolling, highlight text areas with ease and benefit from advanced change tracking. Create DOCX and TMDX documents with embedded fonts that are readable even if the recipients do not have the fonts installed. The new book layout allows a two-page view with the first page on the right, while table cells can now be easily rotated and lists can be numbered right-aligned. The filtering of paragraph and character styles has become clearer, and the quick creation of dummy text facilitates design. Write is therefore not just an alternative to Word, but a perfect and compatible option for professional document creation. Powerful spreadsheet application: Calculate Calculate , Ashampoo Office 9's spreadsheet program, is the perfect replacement for Excel. Import and export SQLite databases, sort by color and filter with the smart auto-filter. Create chart titles, axis titles and labels dynamically from cells and use individual decimal and thousands separators for CSV files. With over 350 calculation functions and the simple handling of tables, Calculate is suitable for all types of calculations. The flexible handling of CSV files and user-defined sorting in pivot tables make it an Excel replacement that makes no compromises. Presentations that impress: Present Present is the ideal alternative to PowerPoint and impresses with its ease of use and logical structure. With dynamic slide transitions, sound playback and video in presentations, every presentation becomes an impressive experience. Thanks to seamless compatibility with MS Office and PowerPoint, you can share your presentations without any restrictions. Whether in the classic menu style or the modern ribbon interface - Ashampoo Office 9 offers you the choice. The flexible interface makes it easy to switch between MS Office and Ashampoo Office without the hassle of importing and exporting. Your documents remain in their original Microsoft format (DOCX, XLSX, PPTX), making collaboration and exchange with other Office applications seamless. Effortless switching between MS Office and Ashampoo Office! Save yourself the hassle of importing and exporting: Ashampoo Office uses the original Microsoft formats DOCX, XLSX and PPTX as standard file formats! Even mail merge is now possible with XLSX. This allows you to edit your documents directly in Microsoft Office without conversion. When you receive an Office document, simply open it, edit it further and then save it. The formats remain unchanged, even the latest versions such as Office 2019 or Office 365 are no problem. Then you or someone else can simply open the document with MS Office and continue editing it! No content or formatting will be lost! Treat yourself to the Office package with the sensational price-performance ratio! Buy it once and use it as long as you want! System requirements for Ashampoo Office 9 Operating system: Windows® 11, Windows® 10 Other: An Internet connection is required to activate the program. The program license is checked at regular intervals.
Preis: 14.42 £ | Versand*: 0.00 £ -
Chronic digestive disorders such as diarrhoea or watery stools generally result from damaged intestinal flora. Tierlieb Intestinal Regulator promotes healthy intestinal flora through natural fibres and yeasts, and stimulates the functions of the gastrointestinal tract. Yeast also counteracts a vitamin B deficiency, which may occur in case of disrupted intestinal flora. Clinoptilolite is a natural mineral with the capacity to bind toxic substances. Due to the good absorption capabilities of the clinoptilolite and the fibres, by-products of digestion are bonded and gently discharged. The mineral substances stabilise the water and electrolyte balance. Promotes microbial digestion in the large intestine through digested prebiotic fibrous matter In case of chronic digestive problems such as diarrhoea and watery stool For the regulation and reinstatement of normal digestion For discharging harmful subtances
Preis: 66.73 £ | Versand*: 12.00 £ -
inPixio Photo Clip 9 Remove unwanted areas Cut out people precisely Create photo montages NEW! Touch up: Cut out unwanted areas even in complex areas NEW! + 30 help videos for each module of the software program NEW! + 100 stickers and text templates inPixio Photo Clip 9 is a software program for editing and enhancing photos. It allows you to cut out unwanted objects or people from photos with high precision. With the removal tool, unwanted areas in the landscape can be removed and errors corrected with just a few clicks. Thanks to the numerous backgrounds included, you can create creative photo montages. You can get started with Photo Clip in no time at all, as all the program's functions are explained with tool tips. Simply move the mouse over a module to find out what you can do with it. Removing objects and people Remove" function This function allows you to remove any objects or people from your photo without affecting its quality. The slider automatically detects color contrasts and helps you to specify the correct path. inPixio Photo Clip allows you to remove an object as if you were using an eraser. Simply select the unwanted areas of the image. The program automatically reconstructs the structure of the background. You can then correct individual unsightly areas with the copy stamp. Application examples: Remove unwanted objects and people Remove shadows Remove text, data, logos and watermarks Copy stamp Use the copy stamp for perfect editing or to clone contrasting elements. Existing objects in the image can be repeated with this tool. Use this process as often as you like to achieve surprising effects! NEW! Touch up With this new, extremely fast correction tool, you can remove defects and clone or fill an image area with a single mouse click. Areas that are difficult to "reconstruct" can now be reworked even more easily. Even in complex image areas (such as steps, color tones in the sky, etc.) elements can be added or removed. You can also use the tool to retouch portraits. Remove minor imperfections and reduce wrinkles - just like you see in glossy magazines! Simple cropping Crop with just a few clicks With inPixio Photo Clip - your digital scissors - you can cut out any details, people, objects or landscape elements from your photo. With your digital scissors inPixio Photo Clip you can cut out any details, people, objects or even entire landscapes from your photos. Use the slider to select the outline of the person or background you want to remove. Photo Clip applies the internal algorithm automatically! Conversely, you can use the "Keep" slider to mark areas that you want to keep so that the cut-out is perfect. Even hair, water droplets and the finest details are removed from the background down to pixel level. Clipping example: Select a background: Place the cut-out objects on one of the available backgrounds to create photomontages or collages. Simply select the desired background pattern from the new original images or download your own images to create unique photomontages. Version 9 offers new backgrounds as well as monochrome backgrounds in every color. NEW! Even easier to use for unlimited creativity Import multiple photos into one editing project for spectacular, unexpected results. More than 100 stickers and text templates to customize your photos and photomontages as well as original content for special occasions (birthdays, greetings, invitations, etc). User help NEW! Tutorial videos for each Photo Clip module Mini videos in the form of tooltips have been added to each module of Photo Clip 9 to help you quickly learn and get the most out of the software program. Old and new functions of the program are explained in an entertaining way. Simply move the mouse over a function to find out what you can do with it. Comparison of the versions User interface and first steps Photo CLIP Photo CLIP PRO New! 30 mini videos explaining the individual modules ✓ ✓ Simplified use with just a few clicks and effective algorithms ✓ ✓ Function for "sharing" on Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, by e-mail and MyPostcard ✓ ✓ Photo ERASER ✓ ✓ New! Touch up - remove or clone image areas ✓ ✓ Remove objects, people or landscapes ✓ ✓ Remove unwanted areas: shadows, fields, watermarks, etc. ✓ ✓ Remove scratches, wrinkles, stains ✓ ✓ Copy stamp (clone function) ✓ ✓ Photo CUTTER New! + 100 stickers and text templates available ✓ ✓ Improved! Import multiple photos into one editing project ✓ ✓ Cut out photos and images ✓ ✓ Create montages from your own photos ✓ ✓ Import background or select one of the suggested ones ✓ ✓ Photo EDITOR New! Automatic correction with 1 click X ✓ New! Color gradation (LUT) X ✓ New! Automatic red-eye correction X ✓ New! + 100 stickers and editable text templates (opacity, color, size etc.) X ✓ More than 100 filters to choose from X ✓ Unique and original frames and textures...
Preis: 21.67 £ | Versand*: 0.00 £ -
inPixio Photo Cutter 9 Cut photos easily Crop photos as you like Add backgrounds from included examples or import your own images NEW! + 100 stickers and text templates NEW! Import multiple images into a photo montage With inPixio Photo Cutter you can create creative and realistic photo montages with just a few clicks. It's really easy: 1. Import a photo you like. 2. Cut out your image with just a few brushstrokes. 3. Add a new background. With the great digital scissors, you won't waste any more time with pixel-perfect cutting, because Photo Cutter takes this task off your hands. Now you can devote yourself to creating an original photo montage that will impress friends and family. Functions Cut out with just a few clicks With inPixio Photo Cutter - your digital scissors - you can cut out any details, people, objects or landscape elements from your photo. With your digital scissors inPixio Photo Cutter you can cut out any details, people, objects or even entire landscapes from your photos. Use the slider to select the outline of the person or background you want to remove. Photo Cutter applies the internal algorithm automatically! Conversely, you can use the "Keep" slider to mark areas that you want to keep so that the cut-out is perfect. Even hair, water droplets and the finest details are removed from the background down to pixel level. Clipping example: Select a background: Place the cut-out objects on one of the available backgrounds to create photomontages or collages. Simply select the desired background pattern from the new original images or download your own images to create unique photomontages. Version 9 offers new backgrounds as well as monochrome backgrounds in every color . What's new in version 9? NEW! Even easier to use for unlimited creativity Import multiple photos into one editing project for spectacular, unexpected results. More than 100 stickers and text templates to customize your photos and photomontages as well as original content for special occasions (birthdays, greetings, invitations, etc). NEW! Tutorial videos for each Photo Cutter module Mini videos in the form of tool tips have been added to each module of Photo Cutter 9 so that you can quickly find out how to use the software program optimally. Old and new functions of the program are explained in an entertaining way. Simply move the mouse over a function to find out what you can do with it. NEW! New! Monochrome backgrounds In addition to the themed backgrounds, you can now also choose from single-color backgrounds. Choose from different colors or opt for a color gradient Compare the versions User interface and first steps Photo CUTTER Photo CLIP PRO New! 30 mini videos to explain the individual modules ✓ ✓ Simplified use with just a few clicks and effective algorithms ✓ ✓ Function for "sharing" on Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, by e-mail and MyPostcard ✓ ✓ Photo ERASER New! Touch up - remove or clone image areas X ✓ Remove objects, people or landscapes X ✓ Remove unwanted areas: shadows, fields, watermarks, etc. X ✓ Remove scratches, wrinkles, stains X ✓ Copy stamp (clone function) X ✓ Photo CUTTER New! + 100 stickers and text templates available ✓ ✓ Improved! Import multiple photos into one editing project ✓ ✓ Cut out photos and images ✓ ✓ Create montages from your own photos ✓ ✓ Import background or select one of the suggested ones ✓ ✓ Photo EDITOR New! Automatic correction with 1 click X ✓ New! Color gradation (LUT) X ✓ New! Automatic red-eye correction X ✓ New! + 100 stickers and editable text templates (opacity, color, size etc.) X ✓ More than 100 filters to choose from X ✓ Unique and original frames and textures X ✓ Photo optimization: color temperature, hue, clarity, contrast, shadow, luminosity, saturation, etc. X ✓ Tools for correcting noise, haze and sharpness X ✓ Module for selective retouching: creative blur, film grain, color balance X ✓ Batch processing X ✓ System requirements System version 9 OS : Windows 7/8/10 Processor Intel® or AMD 1 GB RAM 100 MB hard disk space Internet connection Screen resolution 1024 x 768
Preis: 12.28 £ | Versand*: 0.00 £ -
Ashampoo Music Studio 9 gives you more sound, more mixing options, more order! Ashampoo Music Studio 9 is our flagship music editing program for your songs and audio files! Eight powerful modules cover virtually everything audiophiles need on their PC. Whether you want to edit, burn or cut your audio files, you can do it quickly and efficiently with Ashampoo Music Studio 9 . Convert between different popular formats, create mixtapes for parties or playlists that work with any audio device! Get your music collection in order, print covers, rip audio discs and enjoy the many other features of Ashampoo Music Studio 9 ! Some features of Ashampoo Music Studio 9 Until now, searching for covers was done automatically - with mixed results. With the new search, you have more control to ensure you always get perfect results for your projects. Enjoy instant access to the best covers in the best possible quality! Flexible cover search 5 redesigned program interfaces Fully compatible with Windows 11 Audio trimming the easy way Faster results with keyboard shortcuts Split audio into any number of parts Improved music editor with streamlined workflows Live recording selectable by default Organize songs more efficiently with templates Multiple detail changes for improved usability Mix songs with tempo analysis and intelligent synchronization Cut MP3s on the fly Music software with eight comprehensive modules Fast results with keyboard shortcuts Keyboard shortcuts are the fastest way to edit your files. Instead of moving around with the mouse, you can use a single key to navigate and perform various actions, such as copying audio data. You can undo your actions, move selection markers and much more just by pressing a few keys. Of course, the program offers visual cues on the layout of the shortcut keys for each menu. Save time and give your mouse a break with keyboard shortcuts! Audio splitting made super easy: Audio Splitter Now you can split your MP3s and other audio files into multiple parts with incredible ease. Use play and pause to set your cut marks, or click anywhere to cut and split with millisecond precision. It's fast, precise, and super intuitive. We've spared no effort to make Ashampoo Music Studio 9 the most user-friendly music studio ever. Try it out today and see for yourself! Instantly take away some of the beginning or end Live recordings or radio segments usually contain a little more than just the songs you want, whether it's a jingle or segway at the beginning or a commentary at the end. With the new cutting tool, you can get rid of the superfluous parts in no time. Just make a few marks and let Music Studio get to work. As with all Music Studio tools, no previous experience is required to get the job done quickly and efficiently. A mixtape for every occasion with Ashampoo Music Studio 9 Mix like the pros with Music Studio 8! Turn your favorite songs into mixtapes with smooth transitions and convert them to any format or burn them to disc. With "Mix Tape" you can set the mood for any party, wedding or get-together. For a perfect listening experience, use the DJ mixer that analyzes each track and matches speeds for perfect mix tapes! Edit and mix with up to three tracks Mix your songs on up to three tracks, edit parts or mix them together. Smart markers and panning make editing fast and effortless! Remove individual passages, add new ones, fade in and out, and use the equalizer for high-precision fine-tuning. This new version offers streamlined workflows to help you achieve your goals faster. Perfect edits even for live footage Cutting recordings and live material into individual songs has never been easier. Ashampoo Music Studio 9 automatically detects pauses, splits the recordings accordingly and saves the individual parts in the desired format. The pause detection threshold is adjustable, so even live material without pauses is no problem! Convert to any format and listen without iTunes Ashampoo Music Studio also supports the popular Apple formats AAC / M4A and the innovative APE format. Burn your music to disc, convert your iTunes songs to a specific format like MP3, WMA and FLAC, or choose a destination device for maximum compatibility. Now you can listen to all your songs on any device, from your home stereo to devices without iTunes! High quality CD ripping With Ashampoo Music Studio 9 , getting your CDs into digital form is a breeze. All songs are checked against an online database and automatically named correctly, with covers added, and saved in any format. And the fast ripping saves you several steps. Get great results quickly anytime, anywhere with our CD ripper! Create playlists and find the right format every time Playlists are the most convenient way to play your songs in any order. To ensure that all programs and players can play your collections, Ashampoo Music Studio 9 offers a wide range of playlist formats. No matter which player you use - it doesn'...
Preis: 12.97 £ | Versand*: 0.00 £ -
Revive your old photos! Repair scratched photo backgrounds Remove coarseness and digital noise Recover damaged photos Correct mistakes in old photos Eliminate spots and dust in the image Convert black and white photo to color Easy to use: automatic or manual correction! Intelligent photo enlargement without quality loss Correct low resolution photos Correct blurred photos Retouch portraits Skin smoothing Use the Mark and Remove tools to make corrections to the skin. Then you can use the automatic spot remover / spot and noise remover tool to smooth the skin. Remove stains, wrinkles and blemishes You can also use the spot remover and mark / remove tool to remove spots, wrinkles and other blemishes. After selecting the area of skin you want to correct, click the Apply button for Selection Only before removing the blemishes. Makeup tools Lipstick: You can use the Concealer Brush to apply lipstick to the desired people. By right-clicking on the area of the image where you want to make improvements, you can select the color of the brush and then use it to draw on the photo. Foundation: you can also use the concealer brush to smooth the face and skin and unify the color and give faces a foundation. You can right-click on the desired area and choose the color to use. Blush: Use the concealer brush for this as well. After right-clicking, select the color you want and apply blush to the cheeks. Mascara: You can also use the concealer brush to apply mascara to the person in the photo. Eyeliner: Finally, you can use the Concealer Brush tool to apply eyeliner to the desired person. Correct eyes Correct white eyes in photos: Every now and then, the center of the eyes in photos shines particularly brightly. In this case, you can use the Concealer Brush to fix the problem. Right-click on the center of the eye and choose the color you want to use to correct it. Change eye color: You can also change the eye color in the same way using the concealer brush. Correcting the red eye effect Lighten the teeth and the center of the eye with the Fade tool With the Fade tool, you can lighten both teeth and eyes to sharpen your photo. Photo Retoucher is ideal for restoring images like the following: Damaged or torn photos are repaired by removing scratches, stains and other defects, and missing details are intelligently filled in. Black and white photos can be colorized to make them look more vivid. Photo Retoucher is very useful for improving and restoring old photos to preserve memories, images in photo albums and family history. This user-friendly solution allows manual or automatic retouching with a mouse click. Photo Retoucher is a special solution for recovering damaged photos and refreshing existing images. Restore images Photo Retoucher can refresh old black and white photos and restore all photos - including color photos - by correcting errors and damage. The program removes scratches, text, stains, dust and unwanted objects. Missing details are recreated by an algorithm in the process of correction. Correcting flaws: Improve portraits and remove flaws with Photo Retoucher! This program refreshes the skin and removes small blemishes such as spots or wrinkles. The natural texture of the skin is preserved in a natural way. Correction of image flaws includes optimization of low-resolution photos and smart enlargement of photos without quality loss. Colorize and brighten black and white photos: Colorize your black and white photos and refresh your childhood memories, portraits of parents and ancestors, or pictures from old family albums. Simply load your black-and-white photos into the program and turn them into color images with the click of a mouse. Photo Retoucher then lets you optimize the color photo by adjusting contrast and brightness. Photo Retoucher lets you restore old, damaged photos, colorize black-and-white photos, and remove imperfections. The result: the perfect photo. Before: After: System Requirements Operating system Windows 7, Windows 10, Windows 11
Preis: 36.10 £ | Versand*: 0.00 £ -
Ashampoo Home Design 9 revolutionizes the world This software is not just a tool, but a complete partner in architecture and interior design. Whether you are an experienced architect or an enthusiastic DIY enthusiast, Ashampoo Home Design 9 makes it easier to realize your visionary building projects. Key features and functions Comprehensive 3D object library Ashampoo Home Design 9 gives you access to an extensive library of millions of 3D objects supported by formats such as SketchUp and Collada. This feature allows you to import and edit a variety of objects into your designs - from furniture to complete room furnishings - and add a personal touch to your designs. Intuitive planning of photovoltaic systems The software simplifies the complex process of planning photovoltaic systems on roofs. With user-friendly wizards, you can configure a complete solar system within minutes, from selecting and positioning the modules to calculating the optimal orientation and tilt based on your location. Virtual tours and realistic 3D previews Explore your projects in a realistic 3D preview. Ashampoo Home Design 9 offers an impressive visualization that allows you to navigate through your planned rooms and experience the room effect in advance. This feature helps you avoid design mistakes and ensure that everything fits together perfectly. Simple and precise operation The software takes all the complicated calculations off your hands so that you can concentrate on the creative design. Whether it's angle, length, area or volume calculations, Ashampoo Home Design 9 delivers precise and reliable results. User-friendly ribbon Ashampoo Home Design 9 uses an intuitive ribbon that organizes all necessary tools logically and clearly. This interface allows you to work efficiently while improving accessibility to various functions, which significantly speeds up the planning and implementation of your projects. Advantages of Ashampoo Home Design 9 Access to millions of 3D objects: Personalize your designs with a huge selection of objects and design options. Easy photovoltaic planning: Plan and integrate photovoltaic systems seamlessly into your building designs. Realistic visualizations: Use advanced rendering techniques to make your designs look as realistic as possible. No need for complex calculations: The software takes care of all the math challenges so you can focus on the design. Efficient workflows: The ribbon and optimized system usage make planning and designing faster and easier than ever before. Ashampoo Home Design 9 is a comprehensive solution that combines technology and ease of use to make home design an enjoyable and effective process. From solar infrastructure planning to virtual tours of your future home, this software offers everything you need to make your dream projects a reality. System requirements: Windows® 11, 10 Windows® Systems with ARM processors are not supported. Requirements Any Device that supports the operating systems listed above. Miscellaneous An Internet connection is required to activate the program. The program license is checked at regular intervals. Administration rights are required on the system in order to use the program.
Preis: 14.42 £ | Versand*: 0.00 £ -
If you are looking for a comprehensive astronomy software that will let you look at the stars, Redshift 9 Premium is the right choice. This software will take you on an unforgettable journey through the universe, showing you distant galaxies and the wonders of the night sky. With Redshift 9 Premium you can learn more about our solar system and the celestial bodies in the stellar neighborhood. Use the data provided by the program to support your observations with a telescope and witness the breathtaking beauty and vastness of the universe. After downloading the license and installing the software, you can get started right away. Redshift 9 Premium is the versatile astronomy software you need to experience your astronomical adventures. Redshift 9 Premium's database contains up-to-date scientific information, position calculations and motion simulations for over 100 million stars, 1.2 million asteroids and 1 million other objects. You can take virtual space flights to other planets, moons, and stars with Redshift 9 Premium. Land on the Earth's satellite or satellites of other planets. Marvel at the detailed animations or deepen your knowledge on 29 interactive guided tours. Use the celestial calendar and observation planner for excursions into the night. Never miss another solar eclipse, lunar eclipse, or near-Earth passage of recurring comets. In addition, determine the positions of artificial satellites placed in orbit by humans with the help of the Redshift control center. Redshift 9 Premium is also equipped with new features that make it a more user-friendly and modern experience. With a touch-screen optimized and synchronized multi-window design, you can view celestial events in parallel. The software features new 3D models, online access to the USNO-B1.0 and Gaia DR3 catalogs of 1.8 billion stars, and data on 45 deep-space missions such as Voyager or real-time tracking of the James Webb Telescope. Find supernovae and exoplanets or browse the integrated astronomy encyclopedia. Make telescope control easier with Meade, Celestron and ASCOM Alpaca standards. Redshift 9 Premium is suitable for Microsoft Windows 11 and Windows 10 and requires an Internet connection for online content and program activation. The minimum system requirements for Redshift 9 Premium are a PC with 2.0 GHz dual-core processor or higher, 4 GB RAM, 10 GB free hard disk space, DVD drive or USB port for installation of DVD/USB versions, OpenGL 3.3 compatible graphics card with at least 1 GB RAM, screen resolution System requirements Operating system: Win 10, 11 CPU: Athlon/Pentium, 2 GHz RAM: 1 GB Graphics resolution: 1024 x 768, OpenGL compatible Color depth: True Color (32 bit) CD/DVD-Rom speed: 2x Hard disk space: 3.2 GB Audio: 16 bit Internet access for online offers
Preis: 79.46 £ | Versand*: 0.00 £ -
inPixio Photo Editor 9 +100 Filters & Effects: Black & White, Sepia, Portrait, Lomo and much more! Crop & cut: Change focus and size Optimize color, brightness, contrast etc +80 frames and +60 textures Share photos: via Facebook, Flickr or as a photo postcard NEW! "Automatic correction" module with 1 click NEW! Color effects (LUT) for stylish photo design NEW! Red-eye correction inPixio Photo Editor is a user-friendly, feature-rich photo editing software program. It offers a wide range of options. You can edit your photos, crop them and add filters or frames. Version 9 offers numerous new functions, especially for retouching images. With modules such as automatic correction with 1 click or the option to add color effects (LUT), you can creatively enhance your photos so that they look like they were taken by a professional. Functions View photo The Photo Editor is extremely user-friendly and allows you to easily navigate between the tools. There are several modes to choose from for displaying your photos: a single window or: a double window (original photo on the left and the edited photo on the right) Before and after display (as shown below) If necessary, use the zoom function to make changes in detail. Batch processing - apply changes to several photos at the same time Save your own settings - and call them up for future projects with a single click Add filters: Choose from more than 100 filters to find the ones that best suit your photo. Add frame: Select the right frame from more than 100 models . All frames are sorted by type (classic, retro, sport, travel, etc.). Crop photos: Crop your photos manually or choose a preset crop format: 1/1, 16/9, 3/4 etc. You can also rotate your photos and adjust the angle Enhance photos: Noise reduction This effectively reduces the noise on your photos taken in low light. Fog reduction The correction tool for (atmospheric) fog limits or even eliminates the unwanted fog effect on photos. Selective retouching module Graduated filters, radial filters, correction brushes Sharpening module Sharpens photos to better display details Film grain module Gives photos an artistic or nostalgic effect through grain Creative blur module A brand new module that allows you to blur all or part of your photos. Tone Curve: Experiment with the tone curves to obtain light or dark tones and adjust the RGB values (red, green, blue) individually. Color balance: Change the hue and saturation with the utmost precision. Adjust shadows, midtones and highlights in your photos as required. Vignetting: Use this function to draw attention to a specific object. Add texture: Textures are organized by theme (light leak, grainy, film, geometric, material, etc.) If required, you can adjust the opacity and intensity of the textures. Add text : What's new? NEW! Automatic correction with 1 click: Great pictures with just one click - thanks to 100% automatic intelligent technology! Improve the quality and colors of your pictures in less than a second - the fully automatic process makes it possible. No need to be a Photoshop expert for perfect photos! NEW! LUT styles Great photos with just one click. Transform your pictures into unique shots in the style of professional photographers. With just one click, your original photo is dramatically improved thanks to our selection of LUT files. This tool also allows you to import your own libraries or download and import free libraries from the internet. NEW! Automatic red-eye correction This new, completely automatic technology recognizes and corrects red eyes in an image. For example, you can give portraits from scanned slides or prints a whole new look. NEW! Tutorial videos for each Photo Clip module Mini videos in the form of tool tips have been added to each module of Photo Clip 9 so that you can quickly find out how to use the software program optimally. Old and new functions of the program are explained in an entertaining way. Simply move the mouse over a function to find out what you can do with it. Comparison of the versions User interface and first steps Photo EDITOR Photo CLIP PRO New! 30 mini-videos to explain the individual modules ✓ ✓ Simplified use with just a few clicks and effective algorithms ✓ ✓ Function for "sharing" on Facebook, Twitter, Flickr, by e-mail and MyPostcard ✓ ✓ Photo ERASER New! Touch up - remove or clone image areas X ✓ Remove objects, people or landscapes X ✓ Remove unwanted areas: shadows, fields, watermarks, etc. X ✓ Remove scratches, wrinkles, stains X ✓ Copy stamp (clone function) X ✓ Photo CUTTER New! + 100 stickers and text templates available X ✓ Improved! Import multiple photos into one editing project X ✓ Cut out photos and images X ✓ Create montages from your own photos X ✓ Import background or select one of the sugges...
Preis: 9.39 £ | Versand*: 0.00 £ -
inPixio Photo eRaser 9 Remove errors from your photos - with 1 click Remove disturbing persons, objects, text, signs, logos, shadows etc. Use the copy stamp to remove remaining traces of removed elements or to remove stains from the skin. Ingeniously simple to use NEW! Repair NEW! Tutorial videos for each module of Photo eRaser Are you annoyed about unsuitable backgrounds in your pictures? Have you ever tried to remove a sign or pedestrian behind you? Now you can use inPixio Photo eRaser 9 to remove all elements from the image that you do not want to see there. Simply select the desired object and remove it with one click! If small traces are left behind, use the copy stamp to align the location with the surroundings. No one will suspect that you have removed anything from the picture and your photo will now look exactly as you originally intended it to look. Overview Remove" function This function allows you to remove any objects or people from your photo without affecting its quality. The slider automatically detects color contrasts and helps you to set the correct path. inPixio Photo eRaser allows you to remove an object as you would with an eraser. To do this, simply select the unwanted areas of the screen. The program automatically reconstructs the structure of the background. You can then correct individual unsightly spots with the copy stamp. Application examples: Remove unwanted objects and persons shade removal Remove text, data, logos and watermarks Remove objects (e.g. disturbing tourists) - "simply magic!" Remove strangers from your holiday pictures - for atmospheric holiday memories! See for yourself: the software simply erases annoying people and restores background structures. Correct any remaining impurities with the copy stamp. Remove traffic lights, signs, wiring, scaffolding, shadows, text, data, logos & watermarks or graffiti. Duplication buffer - Twin effect The clone stamp can be used to redraw existing objects in the image. Repeat this process as often as you like and achieve surprising twin effects! Original photo Cloning tool Functions Smooth wrinkles and correct small blemishes Use the "Remove" function also for portrait retouching. Remove blemishes and simply retouch wrinkles smoothly - just like the glossy magazines! Duplication and opacity This function allows you to accentuate or attenuate certain elements of the photo. To cutting Set the aspect ratio of your photos yourself (1/1, 4/3, 16/9 etc.) and then change the angle by drawing a horizontal line in each photo. What is new in version 9? NEW! Repair With this new, extremely fast correction tool, you can remove defects and clone or fill an image area with a single mouse click. Areas that are difficult to "reconstruct" can now be revised even more easily. Elements can be added or removed even in complex image areas (such as steps, color tones in the sky, etc.) Use the tool also for retouching portraits. Remove minor defects and reduce wrinkles - just like you see in glossy magazines! Original photo Repair NEW! Tutorial videos for each module of Photo eRaser Mini-videos in the form of tooltips have been added to each module of Photo eRaser 9 to help you quickly learn and get the most out of the software program. Old and new functions of the program are explained in an entertaining way. Simply move the mouse over a function to see what you can do with it. Version 9 Operating system Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10 1 GHz Intel® Pentium® processor or equivalent 1 GB memory (RAM) CD/DVD-ROM drive 100 MB hard disk space mouse & keyboard Internet connection
Preis: 13.70 £ | Versand*: 0.00 £
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What is the difference between the Samsung Galaxy S series and the Samsung Galaxy A series?
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What is the difference between the Braun Series 9 Pro 9496cc and the Braun Series 9 Pro 9477cc?
The main difference between the Braun Series 9 Pro 9496cc and the Braun Series 9 Pro 9477cc is the inclusion of a cleaning and charging station in the 9496cc model. The 9496cc comes with a 5-action alcohol-based Clean&Charge station, while the 9477cc does not include this feature. Additionally, the 9496cc model also comes with a leather travel case, while the 9477cc does not. Both models feature the same advanced shaving technology and are designed for a close and comfortable shave.
How can I stream the Samsung 32:9 C49HG90?
To stream content on the Samsung 32:9 C49HG90 monitor, you can connect it to your computer or gaming console using an HDMI cable or DisplayPort cable. Once connected, you can use streaming services like Netflix, Hulu, or YouTube directly on your computer or console to enjoy your favorite movies, TV shows, or videos on the ultra-wide screen of the Samsung monitor. Additionally, you can also connect a streaming device such as a Roku, Apple TV, or Amazon Fire Stick to the monitor to access a wider range of streaming services and content.
What is actually the difference between the Samsung Galaxy S series and the Samsung Galaxy A series?
The Samsung Galaxy S series is the flagship line of smartphones from Samsung, known for its premium features, cutting-edge technology, and high price point. On the other hand, the Samsung Galaxy A series is a more budget-friendly line that offers a balance of features and affordability. The Galaxy S series typically has more advanced specifications, such as better processors, cameras, and display technology, while the Galaxy A series offers a more accessible option for those looking for a reliable smartphone without all the bells and whistles of the flagship models.